Level 5 Module Overview
Lambdas and Streams
Learning Objectives:
- Define a lambda in a Java context
- Define what constitutes a functional interface
- Distinguish the varying syntax of lambdas
- Define the value of a functional interface using a lambda expression
- Create a Stream object from an array
- Create a Stream object from a Java Collection
- Override a Stream's forEach() method using a lambda
- Use a Stream's sort() method to automatically sort data sets
File Input and Output
Learning Objectives:
- Create a new file using Java's FileWriter class
- Write to an existing file using Java's FileWriter class
- Read text from a file using Java's FileReader class
- Read text from a file using Java's BufferedReader class
- Define the difference between FileReader and BufferedReader
- Select files from the computer using JFileChooser
Creating and Executing Multiple Threads
Learning Objectives:
- Define the purpose of threads
- Create a thread object
- State the relationship between Java's Thread class and the Runnable interface
- Define a thread's run method by implementing Runnable
- Start the execution of a thread
- Use the join() method to make one thread wait on another
Java Sockets and ServerSockets
Learning Objectives:
- Define the purpose of Java's Socket class
- Create a server program using Java Sockets
- Create a basic networking application