Retro Sun (Processing)

Part 1: Drawing the Sun

Open the starter code in Processing. Draw and fill a solid color ellipse to be the sun.

Part 2: Drawing a color gradient on the sun

Change the sun-colored pixels in your sketch make the sun have gradually different colors from the top to bottom. Use the interpolateColor() method to find which color to change the pixel.

// Input variable 'step' is a value from 0.0 to 1.0, where
// 0.0 is the top of the sun and 1.0 is the bottom
interpolateColor(color[] arr, float step)

Part 3: Drawing the missing sections at the bottom of the sun

The missing parts of the sun are created by drawing rectangles over the sun with the same color as the background.

Part 4: Moving the missing sun sections

To move a section upwards each rectangle's y value needs to decrease.
To make the section get smaller, its height value needs to also decrease.

Part 5: Managing the missing sun sections

Using a List to manage moving multiple missing sun sections

Part 6: Adding reflections, stars, and other extras

If you want to make your retro sun look more unique, try adding reflections and stars. You may use the example classes below.

class Star {
  int x;
  int y;
  color starColor;
  float startAlpha;
  float alpha;
  float diameter;

  Star(int x, int y, color col) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    starColor = col;
    this.diameter = random(0.1, 3);
    this.startAlpha = random(1, 200);
    this.alpha = startAlpha;
  void setAlpha(int alpha){
    this.alpha = constrain(alpha, startAlpha, 255);

  void draw() {
    fill(starColor, alpha);
    float blink = random(0, 0.8);
    ellipse(x, y, diameter + blink, diameter + blink);

class Reflection {
  // HSB colors
  color[] barColors = {
    color(285, 96.6, 23.1), 
    color(312, 100, 42.7), 
    color(340, 66.9, 60.4), 
    color(11, 60.8, 62), 
    color(340, 66.9, 60.4), 
    color(312, 100, 42.7), 
    color(285, 96.6, 23.1)
  // RGB colors
  color[] barColors = {
    color(45, 2, 59), 
    color(109, 0, 88), 
    color(154, 51, 86), 
    color(158, 79, 62), 
    color(154, 51, 86), 
    color(109, 0, 88), 
    color(45, 2, 59)

  int sunRadius;
  int numReflectionBars;
  int topX;
  int topY;
  int topWidth;
  int bottomY;
  int maxHeight;
  float speed;
  ArrayList lowerBars;
  Reflection(int sunRadius, int numBars, int topX, int topY, float speed){
    this.sunRadius = sunRadius;
    this.topX = topX;
    this.topY = topY;
    this.speed = speed;

  void initialize(int numBars){
    this.numReflectionBars = numBars;
    topWidth = 2 * (sunRadius + sunRadius/3);
    maxHeight = 10;
    bottomY = topY + (numBars * 2 * maxHeight);
    lowerBars = new ArrayList();
    // Setup bottom relection bars
    int x = topX;
    int y = topY;
    int w = topWidth;
    int h = maxHeight;
    for ( int i = 0; i < numReflectionBars; i++ ) {   
      y += (bottomY - topY) / numBars;
      x += sunRadius / 16;
      w -= 2 * (sunRadius / 16);

      Rectangle r = new Rectangle(x, y, w, h);
  void draw(){
    for ( Rectangle bar : lowerBars ) {
      for ( int i = (int)bar.x; i < bar.x + bar.w; i++ ) {
        float alphaMax = -255 - (bar.y - topY);
        float alphaMin =  255 + (bar.y - topY);
        float alpha = map(i, bar.x, bar.x + bar.w, alphaMin, alphaMax);
        float step = map(i, bar.x, bar.x + bar.w, 0, 1);
        color lc = interpolateColor(barColors, step);
        stroke(lc, 255 - abs(alpha));
        line(i, bar.y, i, bar.y + bar.h);
      bar.y += speed;
      bar.x += speed;
      bar.w -= 2 * speed;

      if( bar.y > bottomY ) {
        // Bar at bottom, reset to top
        bar.x = topX;
        bar.y = topY + maxHeight;
        bar.w = topWidth;
        bar.h = 1;
      } else if( bar.y > bottomY - maxHeight ) {
        // Bar near bottom
        bar.h -= speed;
      } else if( bar.h < maxHeight ) {
        // Bar height just reset and at top
        bar.y -= speed;
        bar.h += speed;