You're going to create a program that plays Hang Man!
Run hangman.jar to play the finished product.
Step 1: When the program starts, it will ask the user for a number (up to the total words in the file). Then the
program will read that many words from the "dictionary.txt" file and push them to a Stack.
Use the readRandomLineFromFile method in the Utilities class. The words should be selected randomly so
not every game is played with the same set of words. You can use the Stack's contains() method to make sure
there are no duplicate words.
Step 2: Pop the word off the top of the stack and use a JLable to display a blank line for all the characters in the word.
Collect key inputs from the user. If the user guesses a letter, fill in the blank space. Otherwise, take off a life.
Step 3: When a word has been solved, pop the next one off the stack and start a new round. It is up to you if you want to
reset the lives.
Step 4: If they run out of lives, give them a game over message.
Step 5: Don't end the program on game over. Ask the user if they would like to play again and run the game again with new
words if they choose yes.