The League of Amazing Programmers
Level 2 Game Webpage Template

Title of Your Game

Who are you?

Enter Your Game's Download Link

Upload Game Screenshots

Select the font for your webpage

Select the background color for your page.

Why did you decide to make this game? Write a few sentences describing your decision to make this game as opposed to any other game you could have made.

What did you learn from user testing? What feedback did you get from teachers and classmates that led to changes in your game?

Describe the different parts of your game and how they interact with eachother. Write a few sentences that describe the overall architechture of your game. Describe how the different classes interact.

Explain the technical implementation of part or all of your game. Go in detail about a particular aspect of the game that you are proud of. Describe the steps you took to accomplish your goal.

What was the most challenging part of this project? Write a few sentences about the difficulties you faced and how you overcame them.

What improvements or fixes whould you like to make in the future? If you were to continue working on this game, how would you improve it?

If the buttons are not working, try opening this page in a new private or incognito window.