Master of Methods

1. Ask your Mom for $20, but only if her mood is good.

       boolean isInAGoodMood(String parentName) {}

       int askForMoney(int amount) {}

2. Write the Pencil class so that this code works.

       new Pencil().sharpen();

3. Find out if any of these people like the same ice cream as you.

      class Friend {
            String getFavoriteIceCream(){}
      Friend ella = new Friend();
      Friend jimmy = new Friend();
      Friend pedro = new Friend();

4. Use the magic power to cast a spell.

      class MagicPower() {
            void castSpell(String spell){}

5. Use this method to cheat on your Math test by printing the answers to the first 10 questions.

       String getAnswer(String subject, int questionNumber) {}

6. Use a key to open the door to the dungeon.

       class Key {
             Key(String roomName){}
      class Door {
            boolean openDoor(Key key) {}

7. Buy candy for your friend.

       class Friend { {
             Friend(String name){
         = name;
            Candy getFavoriteCandy(){}
      class CandyShop {
            void buy(Candy candy) {}