Introduction to Constructors
Objects have a name, member variables, and methods.
Before you can use an object in your program, you usually have to create an instance of it.
This is done using a constructor. Constructors have the same name as the class they belong to and are preceded by new when called.
Unlike other methods, constructors do not have a return type, but they can receive parameter values. Constructors have been used in Level 0 recipes to create Robot and Random objects, and in Level 1 recipes to create UI objects as shown below:
new Robot("mini") new Random() new JFrame() new JButton("click me")
Constructors are further explained in the following video: Java Constructors Tutorial
Use a runner class (a class with a main method) to create a Platypus object in your default Java project.
1. First create the Platypus class as shown below.
public class Platypus { private String name; void sayHi(){ System.out.println("The platypus " + name + " is smarter than your average platypus."); } }
2. Create another Java class. This will be a "runner" or "driver" class, so it will need a main method.
3. In your runner class, make a new instance of a Platypus
4. Call the sayHi() method - see what happens
5. Create a constructor in the Platypus class that takes a name parameter, so that you can give your Platypus a name.
6. Change your code above to call the new constructor