Methods #2

1. Call this method to find out what your best friend wants for Christmas.

String whichPresent(String friendName) {

       //lots of code


2. Call this method to find out if pigs can eat bananas.

boolean doPigsEat(String food) {

       if(food.equals(“roots”)) {

              return true;

       //more code here
              else {return false;}


3. Finish this method.

int getMyLuckyNumber() {


4. Use these methods to figure out how many eggs you need to buy for your family.

      int eggsMomWants() {

            //some code


      int eggsDadWants() {

            //some code


      int eggsBabyWants() {

            //some code


5. Use this method to print out the average height for a person who is your age.

      int getAverageHeight(int age) {

             if (age > 100) {

                    return 34;


             if (age > 50) {

                    return 30;


             if (age < 10) {

                    return 20;
