Fortune Cookie
Goal: Make a Swing program from scratch.
The program will have a window (frame) with a button that gives one of five random fortunes when clicked.
1. Make a FortuneCookie class, with a showButton() method like the one below:
public class FortuneCookie { public void showButton() { System.out.println("Button clicked"); } }
2. Now make a runner class to run the code above, like the one below:
public class FortuneCookieRunner { public static void main(String[] args) { new FortuneCookie().showButton(); } }
3. Now change the showButton() method in Step 1, to make a JFrame and get it to show up when you run the program. Hint:
4. Make a JButton and add it to the JFrame.
JButton button = new JButton(); frame.add(button); frame.pack();
5. The next 4 steps make a pop-up appear that says, “Woohoo” when the button is clicked
a. Add an action listener to the button:
b. Have your class implement ActionListener [use Eclipse quick fix]
c. Add the unimplemented methods [use Eclipse quick fix]
d. Put a JOptionPane pop-up inside the actionPerformed() method that says "Woohoo".
6. Generate a random number between 0 and 4:
int rand = new Random().nextInt(5);
7. Depending on which random number, show one of the five fortunes.
[optional] 8. Run other student's programs to receive fortunes from them.