Level 0 Module Overview
Introduction to Java: draw, code flow, dialogs, String and int.
Learning Objectives:
- Drawing: make simple sketches with Processing
- Code flow: Robots draw shapes using while loops
- Strings: Printing and dialogs + if statement
- Games: ints, Strings, loops, and random numbers
Using colors, if/else, using int variables, and for loops
Learning Objectives:
- RGB color model
- Code branching: if/else
- int variables, increment/decrement
- Code looping: for loops
Using random numbers and relational operators, calling methods, and converting strings to numbers
Learning Objectives:
- Use the Random class to generate random integers
- Convert String variables to int for math operations
- Call methods, with and without parameters, to match their method signature
- Use relational operators to compare values
Using else if, variables in loops, and remainder
Learning Objectives:
- Code more complex logic flow using else if statements
- Use the remainder operator in conditionals and loops
- Code more complex for loops that use control variable(s)
char, double and boolean variables, charAt, &&
Learning Objectives:
- Use double, boolean, and char variables and identify appropriate context in which to use them
- Join boolean expressions &&
- Use charAt to manipulate Strings