variable types

Know how to declare and initialize variables of the following type:


‘Declare and initialize a variable’ means make a variable and give it a value.

You can just declare a variable with a type and name:
int count;
Then later in your code you can initialize it to hold a value:
count = 10;
Or you can declare and initialize it all in one line of code:
int count = 10;
Here are some examples of declaring and initializing variables for all the other data types you need to know for Level 0:
// doubles are for decimals
double price = 1.75; 

// char is for a single character
char letterE = 'E';  

// booleans are either true or false
boolean isFriday = true;   

// Strings are for text 
String school = "The League";      
Remember, String is capitalized, String values always have double quotes around them and char values are surrounded by single quotes.

All variables need to be declared (given a type and a name) and must be given a value (initialized) before they can be used.