Zombie Eyes

Zombie Eyes image


You are going to make a face with animated eyes. You could use your own face (if you have a photo) or a zombie, a cat, or whatever you like. Whatever you choose, the eyes should be prominent (large).


  1. Find the Zombie Eyes recipe program ( zombie_eyes.pde ) and open it using Processing.
  2. Drop the image of a face onto your sketch. Load it like this in the setup method:
    PImage face = loadImage("face.jpeg");
  3. Adjust the size of your sketch if necessary.
    size(width, height);
  4. Adjust the size of your image so that the size matches the sketch and draw it using the image command.
    face.resize(width, height);
    image(face, 0, 0);
  5. Place 2 ellipses over the irises of the eyes in the draw method.
    ellipse(x, y, width, height);
  6. Give the irises a color with the fill command (use numbers in place of red, green, blue).
    fill(red, green, blue);
  7. Use mouseX and mouseY to change the color of the irises when the mouse moves.
  8. Draw black pupils on top of the irises.
  9. Make sure you SAVE YOUR CODE when you are done.