if/else - spot the errors


Write the following snippets on the whiteboard and ask students to fix the errors.


  1. Have students take turns and tell them to only fix ONE mistake so everyone gets plenty of turns.
  2. Ask students not to erase the original code, just put a line through an error and write their suggestion above. That way if the fix is not correct, another student can still see the original.

    Snippet 1:
    int today = JOptionPain.ShowInputDialogue( What day is it? );
    if (today == "Saturday ) {
          System.print("Sleep in");
    elseif (today == Sunday) {
          System.out ("Sleep in");
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog("Get up and go to school!")

    Snippet 2:
    int animal = JOptionPane.showMessageDialogue(null, "Which animal?" );
    if (animal == octopus ) {
          JOptionpane.showMessageDialog(nul, "legs: 8, eats: crabs" );
    if (animal == panda); 
          JOptionPane.showMassageDialog(null "legs: 4, eats: bamboo" )
    else {
          JoptionPane.showMessageDialog("animal not found");