Skill Practice Worksheet

public class SkillPractice {
public static void main(String[] args) {

SkillPractice skills = new SkillPractice();

void skill1() {
// Use pop-ups for the following.
// Ask the user how many dimes they have

// Tell them how many cents they have (hint multiply by 10)

// Ask the user how tall they are (inches)

// If they are shorter than 36 inches, tell them to eat their Wheaties


void skill2() { // Write a loop to print every third number between 1 and 30 to the console


void skill3() { // Get a random number that is less than 20 and print it to the console

// Get another random number that is less than 10 and print it to the console

// Using a pop-up, tell the user the difference between the numbers // Hint: use subtraction


void skill4() { // In a pop-up, ask the user for the city they live in

// If they answered "San Diego", tell them they live in America's Finest City

// Otherwise, tell them to move to San Diego

// Create a variable - cars - and initialize it to the number of cars your family has. // If there are 0 cars, use a pop-up to display, "I bet you use public transportation."

// If there is 1 car, use a pop-up to display the make/model of the car

// If there is more than 1 car, use a pop-up to display how many wheels the // cars have between them.


void skill5() { // In a pop-up, ask the user for the name of their school

// In another pop-up, tell the user, that their school is a fantastic school. // You must include the name of the school in the message.
