

Make a Pong game using Processing!


  1. Draw a ball on the screen.
    ellipse(x, y, width, height) //in draw method
    fill(red, green, blue) //in draw method
    stroke(red, green, blue) //in draw method
  2. Make the ball move across the screen (left to right). ...make a variable for the ball's X position and change it in the draw method.
  3. Change the speed of the ball.
    1. make a variable for the speed of the ball in the X direction (from left to right).
    2. changing this variable should change the speed of your ball
  4. Make the ball bounce off of the walls.
    if(x > width){
        xSpeed = -xSpeed;
  5. Do the same in the Y (up and down) direction. (hint) height
  6. Add a background image for your game.
    PImage backgroundImage; //at the top of your sketch
    backgroundImage = loadImage("image.jpg"); //in the setup method
    image(backgroundImage, 0, 0); //in draw method
    image(backgroundImage, 0, 0, width, height); //if you want to resize
  7. Draw a paddle at the bottom of the screen
    rect(x, y, width, height);
  8. Use mouseX to make the paddle move over and back with the mouse.
  9. Make the ball change Y direction when it hits the paddle. Figure it out by yourself, or use this method:
    boolean intersects(int ballX, int ballY, int paddleX, int paddleY,
    int paddleLength) {
        if (ballY > paddleY && ballX > paddleX && ballX < paddleX + paddleLength)
            return true;
            return false;
  10. Make sure you SAVE YOUR CODE when you are done.