Hide The Creeper


Find the Creeper!


  1. Find the Hide the Creeper recipe program in Eclipse.
  2. Set your canvas size
    size(width, height) //in settings method
  3. Download a background image. Something with green where creeper can hide.
    1. Save the image.
    2. Drop the file into the /images folder.
    3. Load it as the background (it must be same size as your canvas)
    PImage minecraft = loadImage("minecraft.png");     //in setup method
    minecraft.resize(width, height);          //in setup method
    background(minecraft);          //in setup method
  4. Load the creeper image into your sketch
    1. Download a Creeper image
    2. Drop the image onto your sketch
    3. Use the code below to draw the image (make sure you put the code in the right place)
    PImage creeper;     //at the top of your program
    creeper=loadImage("creeper.png");     //in setup method
    image(creeper, mouseX, mouseY);     //in draw method
  5. Right after it’s loaded, resize the creeper image so that it is small and can hide.
    creeper.resize(width, height);     //in setup method
  6. Pick a place to hide your creeper.
    1. Use two variables to store the location (x and y) of the creeper, and initialize them (at the top of your sketch).
    2. Change your code so that the creeper image is drawn at this location.
  7. In the draw method, draw a small red ellipse where the mouse clicks.
  8. If mouseX and mouseY are near the location of your creeper, make the circle green. Note: you will need to check the x and y values separately if you use the code below.
    boolean isNear(int a, int b) {
    if (abs(a - b) < 10)
         return true;
         return false;
  9. Let the user know that they found the creeper.
  10. Option: Add more creepers, or move the creeper after they find it.