League Level 2 - Project Requirements
Project Contents:
- The Level 2 game project must consist of at least 3 Java classes.
- It must be a complete game with a goal and a specific set of rules.
- Instructions on how to play the game must be included.
Project Testing:
- There must be at least one round of usability testing that includes a minimum of 3 test sessions.
- Each test requires three people: The Tester, The Programmer (student), and The Moderator (teacher).
- The tester should be able to play the game without the programmer's help.
- The programmer can only give hints if the moderator approves.
- The programmer should take notes during the test.
- The tester should be interviewed at the end to find out how they enjoyed the game and if they have
suggestions for improvements.
- The test session should be written up in a testing log and potentially used as part of the
presentation detail.
- Some of the feedback from the testing should feed into the design of the game.
Project delivery:
- Code must be published in student's public GitHub.
- Game must be packaged into a runnable JAR and demonstrated to work on presentation computer. How
- Game must be uploaded to GitHub. How to
- When all the game requirements are met, click here to complete you game presentation webpage.
- Follow the instructions here to upload your webpage to your github repository.
- Email the link to your game's webpage to info@jointheleague.org
- Presentation webpage must be presented to and approved by teacher.
To complete Level 2, the game project must be presented and demonstrated to a peer group and teachers.
Family members and friends may also attend the presentation event.